Replace 400i Controller over Ethernet
Amano hardware is by default DHCP enabled. However, we STRONGLY recommend setting IP addresses on hardware before introducing it to the network. After you have set the IP address in Discovery, perform the following steps.
Grouping Controllers
Open Discovery.txt(C:\AmanoNet\bin)
- Select the Controller
- On the menu bar, go to Configuration > Add to Group.
- In the Enter Group Name dialog, enter a suitable group name.
- In the Device Password dialog, enter your password. The Controller’s default password is impro
- Click on the “Check” button.
- Click the “Check” button.
Hardware Exchange
- In the Navigator Pane, click the old Controller to select it.
- Right-click the Controller and select the Replace Unit option.
- From the Unit Type drop-down list, select the new Controllers unit type.
- Enter the new Controllers Fixed Address.
- Click the “Check” button.
- In Engine, click the “Stop” button.
- Click on the “Full Upload” button.
- Click on the “Start” button
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